Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Consistency not

Consistency with blog writing - not bad.  Weekdays for 7 days now.  Eating breakfast with my kids?  Major fail.

Today I got up just as they left.  Just FYI, this is at 6:50am.  Not 8:50 or some crazy crap.  They are 11, 13 & 17.  The 13 year old leaves at 6:10, and the other two at 6:50.  Husband leaves shortly after 7.  I dont have to leave until 8:30ish - and only if I want to.  For the past 11 years, I've worked from home (literally, as in making an income.)

The youngest called today at (;30, asking me to pick her up from school.  Her stomach hurt.  I could tell by her tone she wasn't sick.  She swore she ate breakfast -granola.  No milk, just granola.  I took her out of school and we went to McDonalds.  Amazingly she was cured.

As a straight-A student, I let her stay at my volunteer job with me, and put her to work.  She was delightful, and the volunteers loved her.  She was very helpful.

At the end of the day, I switched kids with my Dad, who had the 13 year old.  Spent time with him, taking him to his Dad's so he could go to fencing.  Picked up 11 year old at 6pm from my parents.  She convinced me to buy a pumpkin pie.

It was a nice day with the kids - the 17 year old was sent roses and chocolates at work by a boy she doesn't want to date.  We are happy and healthy.

Maybe it's not a fail.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Monday Correction (no Bisquick involved.)

Today is a federal holiday.

This means, no mail, and kids have no school.

Let that puppy sink in.

No mail= no school.

For this privilege we start school in early August.  Totally sucks, and I hate it-BUT I cannot change it.  I CAN make other course corrections, though.

So, today - no school - hey - we all got up at different times.  Granola and cereal were consumed.  Kids loaded up, my father was collected, and we took off for downtown.  You see, there was a Veterans Day Parade.

Now in my adopted hometown, we do parades RIGHT.  As in at least an hour.  Fourth of July, Christmas - we march up and down the streets of our town.  Today was no exception.  Over 70 entries - and 80% or better were veteran's groups.  Amvets, American Legion, VFW...and Vets in Vettes (Corvettes-seriously), Vets for Peace, DAR Vets, She Vets - let's just say a large portion of our community VERY proudly served our nation!

My dad served ten years in the US Air Force, from 1957-1967.  Never went to Vietnam; his enlistment ended and he married my mom instead.  I noted today he doesn't wear a veteran's ballcap as so many others do.

Today, I spent a good part of the day outside with y two youngest and my dad.  Actually called in to my volunteer job and said I had to be a mom today.  It was a good course correction.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I need pancakes

Let's review the week:

Recovering from surgery, check.

Biopsy report, check. (It was benign!)

Exhaustion, check.

New friendship, check.

Served breakfast to kids once, check!

Meeting with senior level company person for lunch....coming up.

Interviewed by radio station and met editor of Outdoor magazine, check.

Served community for 18 hours, played hooky for 3 hours, check.

Spent quality time with children, check with one, no check with two, some check with three.

Spent quality time with husband, check.

Made course corrections....


This week I realized I have an incredible need to share when people "do me wrong."  I crave the validation from other people when I feel I've been slighted.  Would spending more quality time with my children in the morning help this?  Would their validation help alleviate my need for validation from others?  Pancakes in the future!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

It just gets worse!

So THIS morning I slept in.  Like, really slept in; woke up to a quiet house at 8:47am.


Headache was finally gone, and my eyelids weren't drooping shut.

No clue if my kids ate breakfast.  I certainly didn't; I reheated the coffee that had cooked in the pot and headed out the door.

When I picked up my daughter, I noticed she was pretty happy.  Seemed to be pretty happy all week, for that matter.  I asked her what was up.

"I've been taking granola with me to school," she replied.

Seems my Monday morning pancake presentation had an effect.  She felt soooo much better, that she decided to pour granola cereal into a ziplock bag and take it to school.  "I think I was hungry."

Bad mom.  But it is a course correction, right?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

One correction prevents several others!

I made a course correction in my business yesterday; taking time to re-establish some good habits and make a true effort towards growth.

But that brought me home at 1am.

I got up at 7:45am to a quiet house.

Pretty sure I missed breakfast.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Immediate Failure. I think.

Well, I didn't get up.

I did GET up, but not in time to make breakfast.

I did yell from my bed to my teenage son that there were two pancakes left in the refrigerator from yesterday.  He had 10 minutes to get ready as everyone overslept.

The pancakes are gone.

I found the ziplock bag next to the microwave; and a plate bearing some Veggie & Fruit twist remnants (have I mentioned we eat pancakes with Veggie & Fruit Twist on them?  The apple/mango/kale puree is AMAZING on pancakes (and a 1/2 serving of your daily recommended fruit portion, just FYI.)

I also discovered a plate with boneless chicken breast sauce on it.  Did both children eat?

Yes, I failed to course correct this morning.  But I suspect neither child went hungry, and that is good.

Yesterday I worked as a volunteer from 9am-9pm.  I found it difficult not to grow frustrated with another volunteer who questioned my integrity.  I also found I have profound desire to tattle on this volunteer - and THAT is a course correction that MUST take place.

BUT HOW does one handle that?  When a co-worker (in this case, another unpaid volunteer) complains and questions you - and you are truly in the right and they are being unreasonable - HOW do you NOT talk about it?

I believe I talk about it to get validation from others.

Why do I need validation from others?  Shouldn't my actions speak louder than words?

Did yesterday's pancakes make up for not getting up this morning?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today's Pancakes

I love Bisquick pancakes.

Not that this blog is about pancakes....it's about the course corrections I need to make.

Maybe pancakes can help in that?

This morning I woke up at 4:30; my neck slightly achy due to a minor surgical procedure to remove a single swollen lymph node.  I did my daily round of online newspapers, then decided to make pancakes for the kids.

I rarely make breakfast for the kids.

I don't eat breakfast, and fundamentally believe it is a recent invention of the upper classes in the past two centuries.  If I eat breakfast, I don't feel well, and am rewarded at eleven o'clock with hunger pains of unimaginable proportions.  If I simply have coffee, however, I don't have to eat until 3 or 4.  Really-it's a much better system.

For me.  Apparently not so much for the kids.

Lad is 13.  He's always hungry.  Winkle is 11.  She has mood swings...and recently I began to suspect a good breakfast might help that.  Then there's the 17 year old.  I believe going away to college is the only option we have with her.

Course corrections.  It starts with Bisquick this morning.  It's more than that, though...I need to make several.  In business, in relationships, just life in general.  Can eating breakfast together change any of that?  We shall see.