Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Consistency not

Consistency with blog writing - not bad.  Weekdays for 7 days now.  Eating breakfast with my kids?  Major fail.

Today I got up just as they left.  Just FYI, this is at 6:50am.  Not 8:50 or some crazy crap.  They are 11, 13 & 17.  The 13 year old leaves at 6:10, and the other two at 6:50.  Husband leaves shortly after 7.  I dont have to leave until 8:30ish - and only if I want to.  For the past 11 years, I've worked from home (literally, as in making an income.)

The youngest called today at (;30, asking me to pick her up from school.  Her stomach hurt.  I could tell by her tone she wasn't sick.  She swore she ate breakfast -granola.  No milk, just granola.  I took her out of school and we went to McDonalds.  Amazingly she was cured.

As a straight-A student, I let her stay at my volunteer job with me, and put her to work.  She was delightful, and the volunteers loved her.  She was very helpful.

At the end of the day, I switched kids with my Dad, who had the 13 year old.  Spent time with him, taking him to his Dad's so he could go to fencing.  Picked up 11 year old at 6pm from my parents.  She convinced me to buy a pumpkin pie.

It was a nice day with the kids - the 17 year old was sent roses and chocolates at work by a boy she doesn't want to date.  We are happy and healthy.

Maybe it's not a fail.

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